Sunday 5 August 2012

Inspiration - The Art of Annemieke Mein
Wildlife artist in textiles

I borrowed this book from my local library and found it is
very fascinating inspiring book. It is all about amazing art work
 of Annemieke Mein display a rare standard f artistry. She has 
explored beyond the bounds of craft and developed new techniques 
in her use of textiles and fabric paints. She reveals a highly developed
sense of colour, a masterly grasp of composition and subtle use 
of light and shade. 

Annemeike at work on Fantail Rhapsody.

Slate Pencil Sea Urchin, details

A sketch and tread sample of Slate Pencil Sea Urchin.

Dragonfly Cape, 1981

Superb Blue Wrens, detail 1981.
Lepidopter a Quadripartite, 1985

Freedom, detail 1986.
Mating Mythical Moths, 1984.
Squabbling Gulls, 1981
Case moth Cocoons, 1982.